I went geocaching with Anton today.
We went to the area near Hørsholm Slot.
The weather was really nice, and we met a couple of nice people. They were clearly muggles, but they were 100% knowing about what we were doing under the bridge and up in the tree, and one guy even came with suggestions as to where to look in the tree. Apparently geocaching is not so underground anymore.
We only got 7 out of 10 caches, which is way below par. On the other hand, it was a nice 5hour walk, and I got a couple of nice pictures.
On the way back to Antons car, we passed 3 horses behind an electric fence.
I chose to feed one of them with some fresh grass. The fence reached to the middle of my chest, but I had no problem keeping my arm above it - that is until the horse nibbled the grass from my palm, and pushed down on my arm.
Lifting 500+kg of horse is not really my thing, and my arm connected with the fence, sending a nasty shock through my arm and to the poor horse.
Bad electric shock to us both. And 2 hours of half-numb arm for me. And judging from the reaction of the horse (and the obvious spark sound), the horse was not too pleased either.
Some of the pictures I took:
I love my iPod [1].
I don't really use it for music, I mainly listen to podcasts.
I guess that 90-95% of my iPods[2] playtime has been spent playing podcasts[3].
I spend 45min on the bus to and from work. Listening to podcasts transforms that time from wasted to well used.
A pair of good noise isolating earphones allows me to ignore the brats that sometimes crowd the bus. And when flying they keep the engine noise out.
The podcasts I like are mainly about science and technology.
Loosely sorted by quality, they are:
Quirks & Quarks
So Ein Ding (In Danish)
Harddisken (In Danish)
The Naked Scientists
Videnskabens Verden (In Danish)
Ask Mr. DNS
IT Conversations (Quality of the shows varies wildly)
Other podcasts that I like are (in alplabetic order):
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
Danmark Kort (In Danish)
In Our Time
Pat Condell's Godless Comedy
Selvsving (In Danish)
Tjenesten (In Danish)
[1] And I know that the RMS fanboyz will hate my guts for that statement.
The fact is, that for my needs, an iPod beats the competition hands down.
[2] Some asshat stole my first one.
[3] Yes podcasts. Not pirated copies of music made by mediocre "artists", whose only claim to fame is what their label bought them. Eat shit IFPI.
Jeg sad som vanligt og stenede til en podcast i 4A på vej til arbejde.
Bussen starter fra et af de vanlige stoppesteder og begynder at dreje udenom den spade der har parkeret sin bil i stoppestedet[1].
Der lyder en meget høj "krunch-pop" lignende lyd, og bussen stopper igen.
Jeg vender mig om og ser at det bagerste vindue er smadret, og at dem på bagsædet er dækket af glasskår.
Udenfor er busskuret ret smadret.
Jeg vil tro at det står ca. 4-1 til bussen ...
Ham i den beige jakke med den blå taske har lige hældt en bunke glasskår ud af sin taske.
Jeg tror at alle i bussen var vågne da vi myldrede ind i næste bus.
Og den unge chauffør lod til at tage det hele meget fattet.
[1] Det viser sig at være en Arriva ansat i en Arriva bil.