Jeg var på strøget i dagens gode vejr, for at bytte et par gaver. I fremtiden må jeg se at holde min ønskeseddel opdateret ...

Efter at have byttet, skal der noget frokost indenbords, og jeg finder det sædvanlige sandwitch sted overfor Illums.

Samtalen med den ansatte forløb nogenlunde som:

Mig: Sådan en bolle [peger [1]] og en halv liter cola
Ham: Vi har 'mellem' og 'stor' cola
Mig: Det ved jeg jo ikke hvad indeholder. Giv mig den der indeholder ca. en halv liter.
Ham: Vi har 'mellem' og 'stor' cola [vender sig om, finder to krus og holder dem op]
Mig: [Peger på det der ser ud til at indeholde .5l] Den der.
Ham: [Finder det bestilte frem] Værsgod.

Nogen mennesker er bare møgheldige at vi opererer med en høj mindsteløn her i landet, og at de ikke skal yde en rimelig service for at få nødvendige drikkepenge.
Hvordan hulen kan man arbejde et sted, og have sat sig så lidt ind i produkterne?
Og hvad er det der generelt får caféer og restauranter til at antage at alle kunder er synske, og derfor kan forholde sig til hvad der rent kvantitativt ligger bag 'lille', 'mellem' og 'stor' begreberne?

Dette minder mig om en gang jeg sad på en café og spiste med en veninde, og to friskfyr typer kom og satte sig ved et bord i nærheden. De skulle have to fadøl, og tjeneren spurgte så meget "hjælpsomt" om det skulle være 'lille', 'mellem' eller 'stor'. De skulle selvfølgelig være store, og deres ansigtsudtryk, da tjeneren kom med 2 gange 0.7l fadøl, reddede underholdningen den dag.

Man kan efterfølgende undre sig over navngivningen af størrelser. Hvorfor var det ikke en 'lille' og en 'stor', men en 'mellem' og en 'stor' de havde på dagens sandwitch sted?


[1] på en spinatbolle med kylling og peanut sovs - det skulle jo prøves, og kan iøvrigt anbefales (spinaten kunne heldigvis ikke smages).

Posted Wed Apr 8 17:05:11 2009 Tags:

Jeff Dunham rocks!
I've been a fan since I saw the first YouTube clip with Achmed.
And I have bought the two DVDs (they are currently being passed around amongst my colleagues).

So when Peter sent mail, asking if I wanted tickets to Jeffs show in Forum, 'YES!' was the only answer.

After having eaten at a nearby cafe, we arrived at Forum at 19:50, and went inside - after having waited for the smokers to do their last-minute fixing.
Henrik and I went looking for a toilet. It turned out that it was a big mistake not to have used the one at the cafe, as there were big lines everywhere. We eventually found a toilet in a corner with only a short line.
Time to find our seats.

The seats Peter got were great. Row two, and right in the middle - despite being marked 'Row 2, Seat 43'. Thanks Peter!

While waiting for the show to start, we watched the slideshow on the big screen.
It was a Walter Q&A show along the lines of:
Question: I have recently married. Any advice for me?
Walter: Sorry, it's too late for you now.

At around 19:15 Guitar-Guy went on, and did a half hour warm-up show.
It was great. And he even had a third of the material based on local stuff. For instance the Danish word for 'chef' is 'kok', and it's pronounced just like 'cock'.
The punchline being that a big kok made him gag in Copenhagen.


Jeff didn't go on right after Guitar-Guy. Instead we were "entertained" by this sign for 5-10 minutes:

At around 19:50 the main show started with an Al-Jeffzeera broadcast img_3097.jpg

From here on, the show was a solid 2 hours of laughs.







In the last part with Bubba J, it was very obvious that the audience knew the lines way better than Jeff. This resulted in Jeff reading from his cheat sheet, and the audience doing the punchline in chorus. He seemed impressed.

The show was the 'spark of insanity' show, with a third of new and local jokes.
It was really good. And Jeff mentioned that the audience for this show was the biggest that he had had outside of USA.

During the show Jeff mentioned that his carer only took off after his fans began posting clips from his shows on YouTube. This is interesting because most artists just whine about how this supposedly results in lost sales and other BS.
Jeff obviously has the intelligence to realize that publicity from real fans is the best kind of publicity an artist can get. And that this kind of publicity can only help sales.

All in all a great experience. Thanks Jeff!

Posted Sun Apr 12 21:11:07 2009 Tags:
fj Twitter

I am trying out twitter.
Hopefully a more active approach will help me understand what all the fuss is about.

Follow my experiments at batmule_dk.

Posted Sun Apr 26 18:05:26 2009 Tags:

I arrived at my usual hotel in Aalborg to find that all rooms with wired internet were booked[1], and that my assigned room could not see the hotel wireless. Sigh!

My Sonofon USB 3G modem was not recognized by my old-ish FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE-p5. So I went geocaching to kill my suddenly free evening.

Next day, I cvsup'ed at work, and upgraded to 8-current when I came back to the hotel.
Still no luck.

Adding the device ID of the modem to the driver helped a lot. Now 3 serial devices showed up.
The first two seemed dead, but the third worked.

I made a few modifications to PHKs ppp.conf file.

Changed connection name to 'sonofon'.
Set device to '/dev/cuaU0.2'.
Changed the address for connection to 'internet' (from '').

That is it. (The rest of PHKs mail can be ignored, as -current has changed since.)

To connect to the net, I just type:

ppp sonofon

Until my patch gets accepted, you can find it here. You will need a somewhat recent FreeBSD 8-current to make it work.

Just to add info. The text on the USB dongle says:
0682 FCC ID: NCMOGI0225 Model: GI0225


[1] These guys are good at running a hotel, and they have a killer restaurant. They are however not very good at running a reliable wireless network.

Posted Thu Apr 30 23:35:37 2009 Tags: